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May 6, 2022: RE-ENTRY NEWS
Important Updates from the Re-Entry Team


  •  Singing without masks in Church: The Team decided that the choir and the congregation will no longer be required to wear masks while singing (there is space in the balcony for those who wish to remain masked and distanced.)   If the cases of Covid increase so that the Longmeadow Health Department re-institutes an indoor mask mandate in public buildings, the church will again follow the town of Longmeadow guidelines.


  • Reporting of Covid Cases: Because the Team no longer requires contact tracing, new cases will not be reported in the church newsletters.   The current protocol and message from the Re-Entry Team is as follows:  "If you have Covid or have tested posited, please remain at home and follow current CDC Guidelines." 


  • Collection of the Offering: The Team decided that the Deacons may resume passing the collection plates among the congregation.


  • Friday Night Fellowship Gatherings: Stew asked if people attending Friday Night Fellowship needed to wear masks.  The Team decided that it should be left to each person's individual choice.


  • Future of the Re-Entry Team: For the remainder of the church year the Team will no longer meet on a regular monthly basis.  However, if the need arises the current members of this Team will meet on the first Tuesday of the month at 4P.M.


We continue to keep an eye on the data and look forward to worshiping and being together more often in the near future.


-Your Re-Entry Team

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T: 413-567-6287

A: 763 Longmeadow St., Longmeadow, MA 01106


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