Join our Chancel Choir and/or Bell Choir
Consider joining the First Church Longmeadow Chancel Choir, Bell Choir, or both! All are welcome, whether you're returning or this is your first time trying anything like this. Email Daniel Rose with questions or for more information: daniel@firstchurchlongmeadow.org
Why Be a Part of Chancel and/or Bell Choir?
Whether singing or ringing, music provides spiritual nourishment for the members of our church community. Be part of a musical community that is supportive and encouraging, regardless of whether you have "both feet in" and you're ready to make some music, or you're "one foot in" for whatever reason - whether that is concerns about your perceived ability, the amount of experience you have, whether you'll fit in, or fear of commitment. Find unique, personal meaning from your experiences in these ensembles that are relevant and of value in your own spiritual life.
Chancel Choir: Thursdays, 7:30-9pm in the Choir Room.
Bell Choir: Thursdays, 6-7:30pm in the Choir Room.